Your unfair advantage
in sourcing developers
We’ve analyzed the programming source code of over 60 million software developers on GitHub and scored them by 50,000 skills
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LLM-powered search
Proven talent worldwide
See beyond resumes or Linkedin pages and discover developers through their actual capabilities and expertise.
Focused sourcing
Skills, location, seniority, experience, education, languages, repositories and more
Match score
Prog.AI calculates candidate matches through analysis of their verified code contributions
Outreach integrations
Export your candidate list as a CSV file, or connect with your preferred email outreach platform
Unified profiles
All essential candidate information consolidated in one view
Prog.AI Chrome Extension
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When browsing on Linkedin, GitHub, Stack Overflow or Kaggle, see more insights on software engineers: skills, Likely-to-Move™ score, GitHub contributions, contacts and more
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Words of wisdom
“We’ve got 12 super relevant candidates to interview within the first two weeks of working with ProgAI!”
Leonid Lukyanov
Leonid Lukyanov
CEO and co-founder of
“We were looking for candidates with a strong background in database systems design and internals, these are technical requirements most recruiters don’t understand and cannot communicate. IMO, the quality of the candidates from ProgAI is definitely above average, maybe top 5%-10%, compared to other agencies”
Davit Buniatyan
Davit Buniatyan
CEO and founder of
“We were looking for engineers who can program for browsers: built complex browser extensions before. ProgAI has a deep insight into candidates’s technical skills by analyzing their open source contributions. Thanks to that, ProgAI has brought us excellent candidates I would never thought to reach out myself by looking at LinkedIn profiles”
Pascal Weinberger
Pascal Weinberger
CEO and co-founder of
“I was looking to hire a founding front-end engineer with ML background and ProgAI has generated a perfectly targeted list of 1,000 candidates.”
Omar Shams
Omar Shams
CEO and founder of
“Definitely much more targeted candidates for what we are looking for”
Ivan Shcheklein
Ivan Shcheklein
CTO  and co-founder of
Top software engineers
Discover leading experts with Prog.AI
Our algorithms analyze programming code across the entire open source ecosystem, identifying top experts across numerous software technologies. Explore our leaderboards to find leading talent in specific domains.
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Prog.AI: The smartest way to source top software engineers
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60M+ verified developers – ranked by actual source code contributions on GitHub
Fresh and accurate contact info – verified emails, LinkedIn and X profiles, Stack Overflow and Kaggle stats
AI-powered search – filter by skills, seniority, experience, education, location and more
Time-saving bulk list builder with seamless export to Lemlist, SourceWhale and more (coming soon)
Chrome extension – see unified developer profiles instantly on GitHub, LinkedIn and Stack Overflow
More relevance. More accuracy. Less wasted outreach.
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